September 28, 2024

Seven Costa Seniors named National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists

The National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists have been released, and proudly representing Costa are seniors Eleanor Digilio, Colin Freelin, Cameron Hughes, Jack Kjar, Katherine Kligys, Hudson Sagadevan, and Elizabeth Witherell. 

The National Merit Scholar Program is a scholarship award that honors the nation’s top 1% of students regarding their scores on the October PSAT. Not only does this honor demonstrate the hard work and academic talent of the seven Costa students, but also gives them the opportunity to compete against others for scholarships that can be used towards college funds. 

“I was really excited about getting a 1490 which I knew would make me eligible for the position the following year.” Sagadevan, one of Costa’s Semifinalists, says. “I had been studying for the PSAT and SAT starting at the beginning of Summer for the test which was mid-October, so I believe it came through after tons and tons of hard work.”

The average minimum index score of semi finalists was a 221, which can be calculated by adding the score of the reading and math section, and dividing by ten. This equates to a mark of around 1470 out of 1520. 

“Well, I was pretty excited and happy that I got the award when I got the email on the morning of September 9th. I think I was walking to my 0 period.” Semi finalist Hughes says. “I generally knew I would get it because you only needed a certain selection index and when the scores came out after we took it I saw that I already did, but it was a relief to have that confirmed as I could put that on my college apps and could get scholarship money.” 

Ella Digilio, a Semifinalist and student athlete, explained the significance of balancing both dedication and various activities in order to accomplish the achievement of National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist.

“I’m super proud to be a National Merit Scholar Semifinalist because it shows that my hard work and studying paid off.” Digilio said. “ I really wanted this and I was proud to see I achieved it.”

The 7 students received a confidential email from Mira Costa just a few days before the semi finalists were officially announced online. Previous to this email, however, semifinalist Kligys says she found out she qualified for the honor through the National Merit Scholarship foundation.

“I saw that the cutoffs were posted [on the National Merit Scholarship website] and was excited when I realized I made it!” Said Kligys.

After the list of semifinalists were released, the support towards Costa students throughout the community was widespread. Elizabeth Witherell, a Costa Semifinalist, expressed her gratitude for the unconditional support she has received. 

“When I received my score, I knew I met the requirements for the honor which was exciting.” Said Witherell. “ When the names were announced, lots of people and teachers were very kind and supportive and came up to congratulate me.”

The competition continues as the 7 Costa students compete for the name of National Merit Scholarship Finalist. In order to become a finalist, with the potential of winning a $2500 scholarship, an application is required. This consists of presenting applicants’ SAT or ACT score, an essay, and an explanation of their extracurriculars and awards. 

“I want to become a finalist because I want to use the opportunity [of the National Merit Scholarship] that I have been given.” Kjar, a Costa Semifinalist says. “Not many people are able to apply to be a finalist, so I feel like it would be a waste of an opportunity if I did not apply.”

The National Merit Scholarship Finalists will be announced at the beginning of February 2025, by both a letter mailed to their home address, and an online acceptance shown in applicants’ National Merit portal. 

“I was honestly really excited and proud of myself for the work I had put in, and grateful for those around me who helped me achieve the honor!” Costa Semifinalist Colin Freelin said.

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