Claire Gunning
Staff Writer
A vote in March of 2015 in Redondo Beach will decide if the AES Redondo Power Plant will be permanently close.
Pollution laws made by the Ocean Protection Agency in 2006 have forced AES, which runs the Redondo Plant, to remove or modernize the plant due to environmental concerns. The plant is currently not running due to these restrictions.
“I would love to see the plant torn down because it’s an eye soar and the residents would see their property values increase.” Hermosa Beach resident Joe Dominguez said. “The land itself has great potential to be used for other developments that would benefit the community.”
Residents have proposed to build a park on the land to replace the plant. However, AES has zoned the land, making construction of a park fiscally impractical. In July 2014, AES proposed a plan to make the area into a residential community and shopping area.
“Instead of working with the community to come up with some reasonable land uses to replace 50 acres, AES has suddenly rolled out this initiative to rezone their land themselves all in their favor,” citizen Andy Brand said.
However, many Redondo Beach city council members are in favor of the AES proposal.
“I believe that the time is right to get rid of the power plant,” Redondo Beach mayor Steve Aspel said. “The AES proposal, while not perfect, will allow them to close the plant and sell their property.”
The current plant must be torn down by 2020 due to pollution laws. Residents of Redondo Beach will decide if the initiative is approved.
“If these over development projects go forward, it’s a win-lose proposition.” Brand said. “The developers win, the residents lose. If it’s unsuccessful, the city bears the burden for decades.”
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