Senior Jamie Averch takes a corner kick during her game against Redondo. Costa scored three goals during the game a one of the goals was scored off a corner kick.
Costa fights to get the ball in the back of the net to score. Costa battled until the game and they tied 3-3 and had to go into overtime in which they lost 4-3.
Sophomore Ashley Stepczyk dribbles the ball down the field to try and get a cross for another player to score. Stepczyk played outside midfield and had an assist to one of the goals.
Sophomore Ashley Naylor plays goal keeper and makes many saves throughout the game. She took all the goal kicks and helped save many goals but four goals were let in.
Freshman Sydney Saypack starts the game at kick off and tries to keep possession with her teammates. Saypack played forward for most of the game and scored two goals and had an assist.
Photo Essay by Mckenzie Sussman
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