By Emily Dubinsky
Staff Writer
Friendship Circle will be having its annual prom, also known as the E.K.P.O. Prom at the Hacienda Hotel in El Segundo on June 5.
Friendship Circle was made to bring together children volunteers and children with special needs. The experiences not only impact the volunteers, but also the special needs children.
“Friendship Circle has inspired me to look beyond myself into the lives of others who have a tougher life than mine,” Freshman club member Jennifer Brooks said. “The club makes me feel so happy inside because it shows that just a short couple hours out of my day can make a huge impact on someone else’s.”
The E.K.P.O Prom is a prom for special needs children throughout the South Bay. According to the coordinators of this event, other club members and students are invited and encouraged to attend.
“I decided to attend this event because one of my closest friends in the program is attending, as well as I knew it would be an amazing opportunity to be apart of.” Sophomore Allie Navarette said.
Participants in this event are encouraged to dress as superheros as the prom will have a superhero theme. A DJ will also be hired along with provided dinner and dessert. Tickets cost $15 per person, and there will be approximately 400 people attending.
“My philosophy is that we let our students attend these dances, which allows the students to get used to them, so if they ever want to participate in our Mira Costa Prom, they will be ready and know how to appropriately behave.” Friendship Circle Prom Coordinator Sylvia Martinez said.
The Exceptional Kids Parent Organization coordinated this prom. The E.K.P.O is a non-profit organization providing social and educational enrichment to physically and mentally disabled youth throughout the South Bay.
“I think it is awesome that this organization is hosting this event, and that the special needs children can have their own prom,” Freshman Maci Vosberg said. “This way the children will not feel judged and will have a good time just being themselves.”
Friendship Circle’s Prom was created 8 years ago for the special needs students of Mira Costa, Redondo Union, and El Segundo High Schools.
“I believe that Friendship Circle organizing a prom is a great way for the students to feel more comfortable since it’s a much smaller setting than the Costa prom,” Freshman Emma Goad said. “It’s great that such an amazing event can be shared with absolutely everyone.”
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