By Nick Lee
Copy Editor
and Ben Gibbons
Sports Editor
Well friends, the day has come. This is the final installment of The Peanut Gallery. It has been a mighty pleasure writing about the ins and outs of this great establishment.
Starting off on sports, we applaud all seniors in spring sports. We do not know how you still possess the motivation or energy to keep going. We also applaud the XX chromosome beach volleyball team for an amazing season. We heard those ladies went 82-0 these past years. We also cannot forget about baseball who had a playoff run and glorified this fact all over their Instagrams. Another honorable mention is the XY chromosome tennis team who made it to the semis of CIF. And we are sure there are other sports who did well; we just don’t know enough to write more.
On a different matter, we would like to say: Please refrain from cheating, specifically on AP tests. Forget about the College Board and their idle threats if you get caught. Think about the 150 other students in the same test. We high schoolers are salty and petty creatures.
Moving on, next year not only will the school lack the Peanut Gallery, but also the horrid five house songs heard everyday at nutrition: Keep the home music buried, and to those incoming seniors, please make sure to at least mix it up a little. Nick likes to eat his Black Cherry Chobani Yogurt in a peaceful and less disturbing setting, and you probably do too.
Also, another message to those incoming seniors: Yes, the claims about second semester of senior year being legendary are true. It is the time when you have finally turned 18 and can sign yourself out with ease to go see your dentist, doctor, dermatologist, optometrist, urologist, meteorologist, you name it. Nothing better than getting a quick coffee or Rabano bowl on the way to that appointment that happens to be located at home.
During this semester you will also have ample free time. Believe it or not, Fortnite can get boring when nobody’s on at 2:00 p.m and you have been playing solos for hours. We highly recommend you pick up a hobby to take up that free time, whether by getting a job or working on that perfect cut body which will inevitably disappear first semester of college. Nick has found serenity in the hot yoga that fills his spare time. On a side note, shoutout to all the moms who absolutely slay those workouts.
Lastly, we hope that our replacements can carry on the torch that was once passed to a young Asian lad named Nick three years ago. To you gentlemen or maybe ladies, as Eugene Krab once said in his frozen state to Plankton in the Krusty Krab in the Spongebob Movie, “DON’T LET THE FLAME DIE OUT.”
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