By Greta Nerad
Amid Coronavirus cancellations, the Drama and Tech Department is in the process of finding a way to ensure that it’s spring musical, Into the Woods can still be showcased.
The show was supposed to open on April 24; however, the extended school shut down until May 5, the performances will not be able to occur. Additionally, because students may not gather during this time, they have not been rehearsing.
“We are having to revisit calendars and figure out how to negotiate all of the lost rehearsal time,” director Jonathan Westerberg said.
According to Westerberg, the cast, tech members and pit orchestra were working towards preparing a readers-theatre version of the show that would be performed over one or two nights. Due to the extension of the school closures, though, they have not been able to meet to finalize or rehearse this version.
“As of now, we still have several factors to consider; a decision has not been made on how we will move forward,” Westerberg said.
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