September 28, 2024

Sofia bids La Vista farewell

Sofia Williams 

Editor in Chief

When I sat down to write this senior goodbye, I struggled to find a way to start it—each version of the introduction came out cheesier than the last, likely because I was at a loss for words to convey how formative my time on La Vista has been. 

I have spent four years working on La Vista, progressing from Online to News Editor, then Managing Editor to Editor-in-Chief. However, this year has been unlike any other in my life, and unlike any other year I’ve spent as a member of La Vista.

I would be remiss if I didn’t spend a portion of my senior goodbye also saying goodbye to Mac, La Vista’s advisor for the majority of my time on the paper. Mac’s passing in December 2023 was a shock to the system, and I didn’t ever expect to graduate high school without his Bob Marley and quick laughter greeting me as I walked into Room 101 each day. Mac was the heart of La Vista for so many years, and I will never forget what a profound influence he had on me as a journalist and as a person. 

I am eternally grateful to Ms. Sweeny, who took the lead at La Vista at a time when many of us were still processing feelings of loss. She has provided La Vista with inspiration, organization, and structure, and has been a wealth of information and ideas throughout this semester.

Ava – We went through so much as a team this year. I am grateful for your constant support, your willingness to try new things, and your insightful perspective. It has been an honor to be your co-editor. I know you will do amazing things at USC and beyond—send me your columns when you get published in the LA Times!

Charlotte, Seth, Sophia, Kit, Amelia, Noki – I have been so impressed with all of your hard work, dedication, and creativity throughout your time at the paper. I am excited to see what you do next. Ava and I are a phone call away; if you ever need anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 

To the 2023-24 La Vista staff – Thank you so much for your patience and hard work. Ultimately, it is incumbent upon the staff to make the paper what it is, and you all brought so much character and life to La Vista this year. La Vista literally could not run without you.

My graduation from high school is at once exciting and terrifying (said everyone, ever—I know), but La Vista has given me a wealth of opportunities that I will never forget. My time on La Vista has equipped me not only with valuable skills, but with inspiration derived from the passion and integrity of the people I’ve met along the way.

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