September 21, 2024

How to get involved in the 2024 election

Many Costa seniors will be 18 years old by Nov. 5, making them eligible to vote. Every voter has the power to sway the results of the upcoming election, and every vote counts. 

This year’s race is between current United States Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump, who led the country from 2017-2021. National polls project that it will be one of the closest races in United States history.

Four years ago, Biden and Trump went head-to-head in the 2020 election. In Georgia, 49.5% of votes went to Biden and Trump received 49.2% of the votes. The candidates were separated by a mere 0.3%, and a few thousand votes could have significantly impacted this result. 

Costa AP Government teacher Steve Singiser claims it is important for every eligible student to exercise their right to vote so that their voices are heard and recognized.

Certainly, we citizens of voting age have a special responsibility to be engaged, but even those who have not yet made it to age 18 owe it to themselves to be knowledgeable and prepared to engage in political life,” said Singiser.

Engaging in government and politics requires knowledge regarding political leaders who are involved and current global affairs. Determining your own opinions and beliefs is the first step to participating in political events, and allows you to distinguish the people and causes that you support.

“I would say the most critical component to being a knowledgeable voter is digital literacy,” Singiser said. “Know your sources, and be brave enough to leave your cocoon of whatever party or ideology you support to see out other voices.”

In addition to the presidential election, several other government positions are on the ballot this fall. This includes positions for United States Senator, United States Representative, State Senator, and State Assembly Member.

“It is often true that your day-in/day-out lives are more impacted by the races for state legislature and Congress than the Presidency,” Singiser said. “So many of the laws and policies which guide you are handled at the state and local level.”

This is especially relevant in Manhattan Beach, as City Council elections are taking place Nov. 5 as well. Three new City Council members will be elected along with one City Treasurer. People holding these positions will have the authority and ability to make decisions which may impact Manhattan Beach, Costa, and the student body. 

 “City council decisions affect residents, schools, businesses and the community as a whole,” 2024 City Council candidate Nina Tarnay said. “If a council member is not collaborative minded, and doesn’t include the interests of Mira Costa and its students in their decision making process, they can make decisions that can negatively impact students and Costa.” 

Conducting research about candidates is a great way to make sure you vote for a candidate who you believe will positively impact the community. In addition to this, being aware about the controversial ballot propositions that qualified this year is an extremely important part of being a knowledgeable voter. 

For instance, voting on Proposition 32 would result in minimum wage being raised to $18 an hour, which would  impact the employed stuents at Costa.

Voting allows students to have a say regarding all of these issues, making it extremely significant. 

“Voting is an integral part of our democracy,” Tarnay said. “Don’t let someone else speak for you and make decisions that will impact you for years or decades to come.”

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