December 18, 2024

Unfair timing for Finals forces Costa students to cram

By London Gregrey

Staff Writer

Mira Costa students are having a particularly difficult semester this year due to the timing of finals. Only two weeks separate Thanksgiving break from finals week, which leaves most students with very little time to study for their exams.

Thanksgiving break was usually a time to wind down and recharge. After a long stretch of schoolwork, students longed to get a break and spend time with family, enjoying some downtime. But with the timing of finals this year just after the break, it’s hard for students to say they have been able to entirely unwind.

This two week interval between Thanksgiving and finals week is just too short for students to get ready for their exams. Normally, students would study and review at a moderate pace; on this schedule, they must be expected to cram information into a much shorter time frame.

This quick turnaround has left many students stressed out. Rather than spending that break relaxing, students have already started to contemplate the little time they will have available to study for finals. This has created unnecessary anxiety with many who would normally use the time after Thanksgiving to concentrate on exam preparation.

This tight schedule forces the students to rush through their studying; within two weeks, the students do not have ample time to go through their material in the correct manner to internalize everything.

The pressure also lies in the fact that right after the break, finals approach, which affects students’ mental health. With so much preparation and the little time to unwind, this is just one big stress cycle. Many students are stressed out by trying to balance studying, family commitments, and rest.

Whereas some of the students remain organized and can manage their time efficiently, the majority are finding themselves under pressure. Lack of an appropriate study period develops urgency, which results in rushing through everything and less efficiency while studying.

“As someone who generally procrastinates, the tight window to study doesn’t help at all,” said sophomore Keeley Maloney. “If there is something Costa can do to update the schedule, it would be greatly appreciated.”

This tight timing does not help the students to perform well. In place of going into finals week with a prepared and confident mind for their final exams, many students are going in stressed and unready. This might affect their academic performance.

Moving forward, Mira Costa should consider updating the calendar so there is more time between Thanksgiving break and finals. Additional time would provide students with the preparation they deserve without the stress of a hectic schedule.

What students really need is to strike a better balance between study time and time to unwind. The extra time to study and relax would mean students head into finals prepared, while still enjoying the holiday season.

London Gregrey
About London Gregrey 5 Articles
London Gregrey is a 10th Grade Staff Writer at La Vista, where they cover girls tennis, including crucial events. Gregrey brings a passion for sports news to their reporting. When not reporting, London enjoys running, and shopping.

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