In the aftermath of the devastating Los Angeles fires, MBUSD has opened its doors to students who have been displaced. It’s a school-wide effort with teachers adding extra classes to their schedules to accommodate new students and student ambassadors leading tours around campus.
To our new students, welcome to Costa. You are now a vital part of our community, and we are here to support you. To help ease this transition the district has a range of resources for all students, including student counseling and school psychologists.
In what we can only imagine is going to be a very turbulent time for new students, current students have a unique role. It’s important that current Costa students play a part in accommodating new peers by welcoming them with open arms.
To our current Mustangs, it’s crucial to be sensitive to the experiences of others. It’s almost equally important to be authentically welcoming. Sometimes, in fear of being offensive, we can unintentionally distance ourselves from others, so remember simple acts of kindness can bridge that gap.
History has shown that communities thrive when they come together in times of need. By embracing our new peers, we demonstrate the strength and resilience that defines Costa. It’s this unity that will help all of us navigate the challenges ahead and emerge even stronger.
Integrating new students into our community is not just about helping them adjust. It’s about redefining what it means to be a part of Costa. When we come together as one, we strengthen our collective identity and create a stronger culture.
True inclusion goes beyond the welcome wagon. It’s about empowering everyone to participate fully in the life of the school. Whether it’s in student government, clubs, or sports, creating opportunities for new students to engage and lead ensures that they feel valued and integral to our shared success.
Empathy is key, but it must be balanced with genuine inclusion. We can embrace these students as a part of our school family by showing them the same kindness and support we would offer to any friend.
In moments like these, our true character shines through. Let’s make sure our new peers know that they are not just guests but an essential part of the Costa family.
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